Widem Logistique Sarl Tanger

Widem Logistics operates in Morocco, providing specialised services in transport and customs clearance. We ensure the highest security for our clients’ shipments by maintaining 24/7 surveillance in our warehouses. Additionally, our national fleet enables us to distribute your goods to every town in Morocco. 

Our strengths in Morocco include: 

  • MEAD customs warehouse: benefit from our dedicated MEAD customs warehouse, ensuring swift and compliant customs clearance processes for your goods.
  • ANPR system: our implementation of an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system enhances security and ensures compliance with customs regulations.
  • Gateway to North Africa: located in Tanger, our warehouse not only houses customs expertise for expedited customs clearance but also serves as a strategic gateway to North Africa, offering unparalleled advantages for your logistics operations in the region.

Experience the efficiency and reliability of Widem Logistics in Morocco, where our specialised services and strategic location ensure smooth and compliant solutions tailored to your needs. 

0 m2
Warehouse space

Contact info

  • Zone Franche Logistique 84
    90100 Tanger Gzeneya

  • Said Doukkali
  • maroc@widem.eu
  • +212 661 104 912
  • VAT: ICE 001527500000057

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Widem Morocco?

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