Welcome to the Meta(l)verse.

Kortrijk, Belgium – August 6, 2024 – Alcatraz, the hard rock and metal festival, has once again set the standard by offering a revolutionary experience to its festival-goers. Alcatraz collaborates with TheMeadow.io, a company that is developing the festival grounds of the future by integrating various festivals into one virtual environment: the Meta(l)verse. This project opens up new opportunities for the music industry and its ecosystem by making new technologies accessible to the general public.

A Preview of the Meta(l)verse

At the Alcatraz 2024 festival, taking place from August 9 to 11, visitors can catch a glimpse of what the future holds. In a specially set up trailer, festival-goers can create their own avatar and experience a virtual video experience like never before. With the help of VR headsets and special vests that make the music “feelable,” this experience was an unforgettable addition to the festival.

Immersive Technology for All Ages

All visitors are invited to participate in this revolutionary experience and discover the possibilities of the Meta(l)verse. Contrary to the belief that high-tech experiences are only for the younger generation, studies show that the metaverse will explode in popularity in the coming years, especially in the live and entertainment sector, offering opportunities for all ages.

While the focus this year is mainly on introducing such experiences, Alcatraz has grand plans for the future. Luc Van Utterbeeck, founder of TheMeadow.io, explains: “In the next phase, the Meta(l)verse Alcatraz island will be expanded with additional stages, performances, and gamification options. TheMeadow.io combines technology and music in an innovative way. Widem Logistics has supported TheMeadow.io since the beginning. They believe in the potential of new technologies to elevate the experience and fan engagement to a higher level.”

Focus on Experience

Yvan Vande Ghinste, founder and CEO of Widem Logistics, states: “When we heard how TheMeadow.io and Alcatraz were going to use new technology to enhance the experience for their visitors, we were immediately enthusiastic to help. Widem Logistics believes that customer experience is the key for any company: today, you not only have to keep customers satisfied, you have to give them something extra, you have to make sure their experience with your company is something special. And logistics and transport play a crucial role in this: often, the package that is delivered is the only physical experience a customer has with their supplier.”

More questions? Contact:

Widem Logistics

Jo Plehiers
Business Development Manager
+32 477 30 60 30

The Meadow

Luc Van Utterbeeck
+32 495 59 28 14